Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Were They Even Thinking?!

In just the past 24 hours, my poor eyes were tortured twice. The first time it happened when I saw the cover art for Rihaan's new album 'Rated R' due for release on 23rd November.

Now I know she's going for a more dark and edgy feel on the album, but does it have to so dark that it looks bad. The emo Rihanna is so much-over done and plus it doesn't go with every person. Avril can pull that look off, so can Green Day. But Rihanna?!

I so don't know what transpired her to select that as the cover.

And if that wasn't enough, I got to see Adam Lambert's cover later during the day. And I was speechless!

I don't even know how to comment on it. The only thing I can say is that I won't be caught dead with that album in my hands. I wasn't a Glambert during the Idol run but I was looking forward to his album because there is some heavy talent involved in it's production. I hope the album has a better appeal to it!

Adam's album titled 'For Your Entertainment' is also set to be released on 23rd November along with Timbaland's 'Shock Value 2', Britney Spears' Singles Collection, Lil Wayne's 'Rebirth' and Susan Boyle's debut album. Hang in there!

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