Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm Back!!

My internet connection had been malfunctioning since December 5th. After many trips to my service provider, some very strongly-worded fights which I swear I never knew I was capable of and long hours on the telephone with the Service's 'Emergency Service', my net connection is finally restored. 

It's been terrible being away from the blogosphere!

Seriously, no kidding! I never knew it was such an addiction for me. Putting up new posts and reading what you guys have put up. But the absence gave me some very awesome ideas for new posts, which I'll be putting up very soon. With the new year coming up soon, I've got to post at least once daily if I want to cover all that stuff that I have planned to do before 2010 starts. 

I don't know yet how that will work out but the fact that I have my vacations till 4th January is a huge plus point for me. So buckle up readers!

Saadi's back...and possibly alot better!


Opaque said...

welcome back

the turncoat said...

yay yay yay
u're back, u have lambert on ure page and my exams start from 4th.

Josephine said...

Welcome back Saadi!

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