Sunday, April 5, 2009

So Small - Carrie Underwood

Now I know I've posted a link to this video in the Carnival Ride Review I put up earlier. But now I felt like personally sharing it with everyone of you guys because this is the one song which has managed to outlast every song on my play list. It's a very frequent source of strength I look up to when I feel things are getting out of hand. And I have a sneaky suspicion that it's going to be staying with me for a very very long time.



Opaque said...

Enjoyed watching and listening. I like such wide vocal range, frankly. Thanks for sharing this.

Saadi said...

@ Brosreview

Your welcome! :)

mysterious gal said...

wow i loved this i know what will i be listening to gain strength next time :D

Saadi said...

@ Mysterious Gal

Glad to know another one felt the same.

Cheers & thanks for the visit!

Opaque said...

Saadi, I've tagged you for a nice meme. Visit my spot to participate. Cheers!!!

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